Teaching & Learning Excellence

Academic Affairs Division

Teaching and Learning Centers Program Spotlight

Fall 2020 Webinar Series

September 2, 2020

A special thank you to the teaching and learning centers around the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app for helping to make this series happen.

Upcoming Webinars

There are no upcoming webinars in the Fall 2020 Webinar Series. Please see recordings of past webinars below, or visit recordings of our Summer Webinar Series.

Past Sessions and Resources

Engaging Students

September 29, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

In this interactive session, we will discuss how to leverage technologies to create engaging learning experiences while making it manageable for you as an instructor. We will focus on technologies and strategies you could use to facilitate three elements of student engagement: communication, connection, and interaction. Whether you are teaching in-person, hybrid, or online classes this Fall, please join us for a discussion on engaging students and supporting their success. Come with your questions and share with your colleagues what has worked well in your teaching.

Chaohua Ou, Georgia Tech

Webinar materials:

Padlet Posts

Creating Community in Hybrid and Online Courses

October 2, 2020 11 AM- 12 PM

Students, especially first and second year students, are very influenced by their classroom environments; students and faculty alike may feel disconnected in today’s socially distanced classrooms. While online environments are certainly different from face-to-face environments, there are many ways to create a sense of community in hybrid classes that match, or even exceeds, traditional face-to-face class engagement. During this webinar we will explore how to bridge that divide to develop a positive and supportive learning environment that will allow all learners to succeed.

Laura Carruth, Georgia State University
Josie Baudier, Georgia Highlands College

Webinar materials:

Creating Community slides (PDF)

Hybrid High-Impact Practices (HIPs): What we know and where we might go

October 6, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

Have you ever wondered: am I alone in trying to transfer [insert your incredible HIP here!] to an online/hybrid environment? Does it have to be this difficult? Will students still be challenged to learn more deeply through a hybrid experience? Short answer: you are not alone! Since March 2020, instructors across American higher education have confronted this question–one framed by disciplinary norms, institutional resources, personal resources (namely, time), departmental cultures, etc.

Dr. Thomas Chase Hagood (director of the Division of Academic Enhancement at the University of Georgia and chair of the LEAP State Georgia consortium) along with Dr. Shannon Brooks (director of the Office of Service Learning at the University of Georgia) are excited to facilitate this session exploring hybrid HIPs research, advocacy, and campus practices. We trust participants will leave the session more knowledgeable of core research on hybrid HIPs; eager to participate with HIPs communities of practice here in Georgia; and, equipped with powerful examples of how you might adapt hybrid HIPs for your courses, program, or campus.

Chase Hagood, University of Georgia
Shannon Brooks, University of Georgia

Webinar materials:

HybridHIPs slides, Part 1
HybridHIPs slides, Part 2

Promoting Intellectual Engagement

October 9, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

You’ve moved your course online: How do you inspire the same level of creative excitement about discovering connections, exploring insights, and working together to construct deep understandings of the material? In this session, we will provide you with guidelines and specific strategies for creating the environment that supports intellectual engagement and exploration in your asynchronous online course.

Amy R. Austin, eCampus
Beth René Roepnack, eCampus

Webinar materials:


Summative and Formative Assessment

October 12, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

As learning models shift between face to face, hybrid, and remote, how we facilitate and assess learning naturally shift as well. Traditional models of homework, in-person exams, and student presentations necessarily require rethinking and flexibility. How might we approach these changes to assessments in ways that are equitable, feasible, and motivational?

In this workshop, we use the backwards course design process and Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT) framework to think through ways to create summative and formative assessments that are aligned with course objectives, effectively demonstrate student learning, and are feasible in multiple learning contexts.

Rebecca Pope-Ruark, Georgia Tech
Carol Subiño Sullivan, Georgia Tech

Webinar materials:

(Expanded handout put together with the Chancellor’s Learning Scholars in mind.)

Cultivating Self-Care and Burnout Resilience in Uncharted Waters

October 15, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

This session will explore what burnout is, how our current circumstances can exacerbate a sense of overload, and how burnout syndrome may impact students and their learning. Participants will leave with suggestions regarding how to cultivate self-care and wellness in all domains of life, and how to embed these techniques as a pedagogical practice in the learning paradigm. Finally, participants will learn how to foster resilience to keep the boat afloat amidst these uncharted waters.

Becky Johnston, University of North Georgia
Tamara Payne, Fort Valley State University
Rebecca Pope-Ruark, Georgia Tech

Webinar materials:

Checklist for Transparent Assignments.pdf
Transparent Assignment Template

Treating Cheating as a Growth Opportunity (for our students and for us, too)

October 19, 2020 11 AM – 12 PM

When a student cheats, what emotions do we experience? It’s hard to step aside from our instinctive negative responses to these incidents, but they’re important opportunities for both faculty and students to treat as learning opportunities. In this session, we’ll use case studies as a basis for sharing responses to complex situations. We’ll consider ways that we can prevent or lessen academic dishonesty, and how – if it does occur – our responses can result in the most meaningful growth for our students.

Susan Hrach, Columbus State University
Mariko Izumi, Columbus State University

Webinar materials:

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3

Hybrid Classrooms: Four case studies

October 27, 3-4 PM

What does it look like to return to the classroom? What do the students experience? In this webinar, we will discuss different modes of hybrid classrooms. A panel of four faculty members who are teaching hybrid courses this fall will share how they are engaging students both in the classroom and online, how they are accommodating the changes in classroom space, and will share ideas for how this has led to unique opportunities not previously explored. Participants will have time to ask questions of the panel. 

Jamie Landau, Valdosta State University
Jason Lee, East Georgia State College
Keith Pacholl, University of West Georgia
Tamara Payne, Fort Valley State University

Webinar materials:

Hybrid panel title slides
Jamie Landau’s slides
Keith Pacholl’s slides

Back to the Classroom: Moving Forward

November 10, 11 AM-12 PM

Masks, physical distancing, and the flexibility to alternate between on-campus and synchronous online class sessions have allowed campus-based classes to resume for many of us. However, recent evidence from faculty indicates that some types of flexibility leads to a decline in engagement and academic performance for students who are choosing to shift to online sessions. In this presentation we share lessons learned from our return to campus, and offer recommendations for moving forward.

Jennifer Knott, Columbus State University
Randy Garver, Columbus State University

Webinar materials:

Get Your Students to Read: Transform Learning with Perusall

November 18, 1-2 PM

Learning is a social experience — it requires interactions and interactivity. The coronavirus pandemic has been a good opportunity to rethink our approach to teaching. Moving some tasks to an online format suggests that many activities that have traditionally been synchronous and instructor-paced, can be made asynchronous and self-paced. Through Perusall, Eric Mazur, Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University, will demonstrate how to move information transfer and sense-making online and make it interactive, promoting social interactions between students. In addition, he will discuss how the platform promotes intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to improve student performance.

Eric Mazur, Harvard University, Co-founder of Perusall
Lauren Barbeau, Georgia Southern University

Webinar materials:

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