
External Affairs Division

1997 Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards Presented at October Board Meeting

Atlanta — October 7, 1997

Three of the 澳门六合彩开奖app’s faculty members were presented with the 1997 Regents Teaching Excellence Awards. Recognized for overall teaching excellence also were three University System departments/programs. The awards were presented at the regents’ Education, Research & Extension Committee meeting, held at Clayton College & State University earlier today.

The Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards are designed to recognize and reward outstanding teaching by faculty, as well as the promotion and recognition of excellence in teaching and service by departments or through programs at the University System’s 34 institutions. This is the first year the awards are being presented.

The criteria used in selecting faculty and staff included evidence of a superlative teaching record on their campus, including a strong commitment to fostering the academic success of students through classroom instruction and interaction with students outside of the classroom. Recipients each receive $5,000.

“With the Board’s emphasis on teaching during this academic year, this public recognition during the Board meeting of these fine individuals and the work of these departments is highly appropriate,” said Chancellor Stephen R. Portch. “We continually emphasize the importance of pursuing academic excellence as a key guiding principle for the University System. It is equally important to reward such excellence when it is achieved.”

Individuals or departments are nominated for the award and nominations are reviewed by a committee composed of faculty and department chairs. Faculty recipients include:

  • Dr. C. Henry Edwards, professor of mathematics at the University of Georgia. Edwards is cited as maintaining an enthusiasm for his subject after 30 years of teaching, as well as a love of students that makes him one of the university’s most honored professors. Edwards conducts research on computing in mathematics and on the use of microcomputers in the teaching of mathematics, and has established a computer laboratory to give students access to computers and mathematics software.

  • Dr. JoAllen Bradham, professor of English at Kennesaw State University. Colleagues who nominated Bradham for the award cited her commitment to teaching classes that are well-organized, substantive, lively, critically discriminating and creatively supportive. She also was praised for being a gifted master teacher.

  • Dr. Charlyn Harper-Browne, professor of psychology at Atlanta Metropolitan College. Harper-Browne is being recognized for her superb teaching skills as well as a commitment to student learning over the past 22 years. She is actively involved in both professional and community activities.

The departments and programs recognized were:

  • The Department of Biology at Georgia State University. This department was cited for its outstanding integration of research with teaching, increasing involvement of undergraduate students in scientific research. The department also has reached out to minorities and women to increase their presence in the sciences. Recognized for its distinguished record for contribution to science education in the public schools and throughout the community, the Department of Biology is working on plans for a “bio bus,” which would take a hands-on laboratory to elementary and high school.

  • The Department of Geology at State University of West Georgia. This department was recognized for its promotion of close faculty/student interaction displayed during field and laboratory research. The Department of Geology also was recognized for its crystalline rock hydrogeologic project, whereby series of wells are drilled on campus to study ground water flow and supply, which could lead to an alternative to the use of drinking water for the use of industry and irrigation, impacting economic development.

  • The Honors Program at Macon State College. This program was cited for its commitment to both teaching and learning and its success with recruiting and retaining talented students. It provides meaningful learning opportunities for students through innovative course offerings and activities. Discussion groups, interactive learning and peer review are employed along with information technology to encourage academic excellence and intellectual independence by students. Special honors courses cover history, sociology, economics, literature, political science, humanities and psychology.

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