
澳门六合彩开奖app Office of HR Organizational Development News
A 澳门六合彩开奖app Publication

Providing leadership & learning avenues to secure the future of the system

澳门六合彩开奖app HR Office of Organizational Development Newsletter
February 2016 Issue

Darton State College Launches Emerging Leaders Program

In August of 2015, Darton State College launched their Emerging Leaders Program. This nine-month leadership program is aimed at identifying, informing, and investing in future college leaders while creating opportunities to collaborate with other leaders on campus. The program is designed to prepare participants for higher level responsibilities at Darton State College. The program includes self development; a reading group to discuss relevant issues related to effective leadership; skill building workshops; job shadowing; and other interactive activities that round out the experience. The first co-hort will complete their program in April, 2016.

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