Fiscal Affairs

Fiscal Affairs Division

Budget Calendar

Fiscal Year 2010

July 2009

* Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 Budget Development * 澳门六合彩开奖app final FY 2009 budget amendment due to OPB * Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 institution reduction plans due July 27th

August 2009

* FY 2009 Annual Expenditure Report (AER) due from institutions August 31st * FY 2009 Budget To Actuals due from institutions August 31st * Board of Regents approves Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 budget requests to be submitted to OPB

September 2009

* Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 澳门六合彩开奖app budget requests submitted to OPB (September 1st) * OPB and legislative budget offices begin detailed review of 澳门六合彩开奖app budget request * BOR staff review AER and Budget To Actuals submissions following up with institutions as necessary * Quarterly budget projections due from institutions September 11th * First Quarter budget amendment due from institutions September 18th

October 2009

* OPB and legislative budget offices continue detailed review of 澳门六合彩开奖app budget requests * First Quarter Expenditure Report data sent to institutions for review (TBD) * FY 2011 Mandatory Fee, Professional Program Tuition, Graduate Tuition, E-Rate, Miscellaneous Fee, and Housing and Food Services request instructions issued

November 2009

* OPB and legislative budget offices continue detailed review of 澳门六合彩开奖app budget requests * Institutions preparing FY 2011 Mandatory Fee, Professional Program Tuition and Graduate Tuition requests * Institutions complete review and submit final First Quarter Expenditure Report data

December 2009

* OPB and legislative budget offices continue detailed review of 澳门六合彩开奖app budget requests * FY 2011 Revenue Projections due from institutions December 4th * FY 2011 Fee requests due from institutions December 18th * Second Quarter budget amendment due from institutions December 18th * Budget Office begins review of mandatory fee requests

January 2010

* FY 2011 Professional Program Tuition requests due from institutions January 13th * FY 2011 Graduate Tuition requests due from institutions January 13th * Budget Office begins review of FY 2011 Professional and Graduate tuition requests * Second Quarter Expenditure Report data sent to institutions for review January 15th * Institutions complete review and submit final Second Quarter Expenditure Report data January 22nd * Governor presents Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 budget recommendations to the General Assembly * Chancellor presents Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 budget request to Joint Appropriations Committe

February 2010

* General Assembly continues review and hearings on Amended FY 2010 & FY 2011 budgets * FY 2011 Mandatory Fees, Professional Tuition and Graduate Tuition final analyses and recommendations by BOR staff (late February - March)

March 2010

* General Assembly passes Amended FY 2010 Budget * General Assembly passes FY 2011 Budget (late March - early April) * Third Quarter budget amendment due from institutions March 19th * Chancellor's FY 2011 institution budget allocation recommnedations are finalized and submitted to the Board of Regents for approval

April 2010

* FY 2011 Allocation, Tuition and Fees recommendations presented to the Board of Regents for approval * FY 2011 State Fund Allocations, Tuition and Fees amounts/rates sent to all institutions with Budget Guidelines * Third Quarter Expenditure Report data sent to institutions for review April 16th * Institutions complete review and submit final Third Quarter Expenditure Report data April 23rd * Begin developing budget strategy for FY 2012

May 2010

* Institutions submit FY 2011 Original Budget May 19th * Budget Office reviews FY 2011 Original Budget submissions * Initial FY 2011 Annual Operating Budget submitted to OPB May 31st * Information request and template for New Square Footage projection for FY 2012 budget development sent to institutions June 7th (due from institutions June 24th)

June 2010

* Health insurance and retiree fringe benefit projection templates for FY 2012 budget development sent to institutions June 7th (due from institutions June 24th) * FY 2011 Original Budget presented to Board of Regents for approval * Final budget amendments for FY 2010 due from institutions June 22nd